To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Kinabalu Pink Ribbon (KPR), the association completed their fifth climb to the highest mountain in Malaysia, Mount Kinabalu on the 15th of August. KPR was established by a group of breast cancer survivors and volunteers, in hopes that their experiences can help other women in their battles against breast cancer.
This year’s climb was led by the founder Datin Lucilla Pang, past president Annie Chin and Captain Rainty Tioh. This mission was also made possible with the help of six volunteers, who are the caregivers of survivor members.

The Survivors Climb Mt. Kinabalu serve as an inspiration and encouragement to all patients and survivors in overcoming the challenges throughout their battle against breast cancer, to embrace an adventurous and meaningful life. These warriors have held on to the slogan, “Determination, Inspiration, Survivorship, Together We Conquer” in completing their climb to the peak of Mt. Kinabalu, a true reflection of their strong willpower in their fight against breast cancer.
Over the past decade, KPR has provided unconditional support and assistance to numerous patients and their family members. They have also successfully raised awareness about breast cancer and the importance of early detection amongst the Sabahan community.
MTT Shipping was one of the various sponsors including the Ministry of Youth of Sports to facilitate the team of 12 breast cancer survivors with the eldest being 64 years old, in fulfilling their dream of conquering Mt. Kinabalu and placing KPR’s flag on the mountain peak.
